74% of college students engaged with an ad on a social network in the past 12 months1
EducationTarget your best prospective students
Spectrum Reach makes Education advertising across all screens easy.
Top-class research and insights
Our proprietary aggregated and de-identified first-party data from nearly 30 million households and leading third-party insights from 70 data partners enable you to find and reach traditional and non-traditional students.
Students are on every screen. Are you?
Stand out and boost marketing effectiveness with multiscreen advertising solutions. A campaign featuring linear + streaming TV + mobile is shown to increase purchase intent by 13% over a single medium campaign.3 With TV, Streaming TV, Online Video, Display, Search, and Social Media, Spectrum Reach is your one advertising partner and done.
Create a successful campaign.
CONNECT WITH USWork with an expert to build your digital media campaign
Get a local team of creative and marketing professionals to help get your brand in the right places online.
CREATE YOUR OWN ADSStart creating your ads now with AdPortal
Create your ads, target your audience, and monitor your campaign performance with our self-service platform.