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LegalLegal advertising made easy

Reach prospective clients with data-driven, effective and measurable legal advertising solutions.

Be seen where your clients are watching.

60% of legal clients have engaged with an ad on a social network in the past 12 months1

82% of legal clients have streamed TV in the last week2

Legal clients watch an average of 24 hours of TV each week2

Target clients that matter most to your business

We have access to exclusive, first-party insights from nearly 30 million households and leading third-party data from over 70 partners. This means a hyper-targeted marketing approach that builds your brand and gets fast results.

lawyer consulting clients

Campaign MeasurementDetailed reporting right at your fingertips

Ensure your campaign is effectively reaching your target clients with a customized, all-encompassing, real-time dashboard, accessible 24/7, 365 days a year. With AudienceTrak, see how your TV campaign gives a boost to your online presence, making an impact by driving prospective clients directly to your website.

person looking at audiencetrak on a laptop

Create a successful campaign.

CONNECT WITH USWork with an expert to build your digital media campaign

Get a local team of creative and marketing professionals to help get your brand in the right places online.

CREATE YOUR OWN ADSStart creating your ads now with AdPortal

Create your ads, target your audience, and monitor your campaign performance with our self-service platform.
