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In the News|February 14, 2024

Spectrum Reach is the #1 Multiscreen Partner in Our Markets

close-up of a remote control

Spectrum Reach is not only number #1 in linear viewing share in our top (metered) markets, but local streaming data reports from Nielsen show that the apps in our streaming TV portfolio account for the second-most audience viewership, behind only YouTube.1

Much ado is made about CTV viewership garnering the greatest share of viewing ahead of both cable and broadcast, but not all CTV inventory is created equal.2 A CTV provider's ability to offer premium, live content drives the largest growth within the streaming ecosystem.3

As an MVPD, Spectrum Reach offers both premium linear and CTV inventory, while allowing advertisers to target audiences and geographies with scale and precision.4

Here are four key insights that show why Spectrum Reach is foundational to every media buy:5

  • SVOD/Hybrid CTV apps make up 43% of the current streaming landscape—leaving brands with little to no ad opportunities. Spectrum Reach’s CTV inventory is 100% ad-supported.
  • Within the ad-supported streaming space, Spectrum Reach delivers 32% of the non-SVOD streaming audience share, and 18% of all streaming viewership overall.
  • Spectrum Reach's Streaming TV is #1 in streaming share in 12 of our 22 top markets, beating out other platforms—including Max, Disney+, and Hulu SVOD.
  • Spectrum Reach is #1 in linear viewing share in our markets, compared to each network group—with over 3x the share of ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX.

As an MPVD with a direct relationship to consumers across our markets, Spectrum Reach can connect your business to engaged audiences through the Spectrum TV app, the #1 most-watched streaming service in the US on an hours-per-household basis for 34 consecutive months.6 Spectrum Reach is the leader in premium video through our uniquely effective multiscreen capabilities. And through aggregated, de-identified first-party data, we deliver smart media campaigns.

Learn more about our full spectrum of advertising solutions, our targeting capabilities, and how we measure results.
