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Partnerships|February 23, 2023

Waymark Partnership

Democratize creativity with Waymark AI

female business owner working on computer

While the industry debates the pros and cons of AI to accelerate and elevate the way brands engage with consumers, Spectrum Reach is using it to democratize creativity. As reported by Business Insider, WSJ, The Drum, Ad Age, and Adweek, Spectrum Reach has created an AI partnership with Waymark to empower businesses of all sizes and budgets to create high-quality TV ads with voiceover in minutes. Wherever you are on your AI journey, Spectrum Reach has great lessons to share on putting AI to use right now.

  • Waymark brings the right creative tool to the table, but they have no inventory or awareness scale
  • Spectrum Reach has the inventory and the scale to drive awareness of the creative capabilities of the marketplace


Learn more about Waymark AI →